
Don Area Co-op committees are made up of volunteers from our membership, in some cases appointed by the board. They deal with various aspects of co-op life, each in a specific area. Everyone is welcome and encouraged to become involved with a committee. Some of them are:

Administrative: assists with the development of administrative policy, maintenance of archival records, and upkeep of office and meeting room areas.

Arrears: implements the arrears policy, and negotiates repayment agreements with members in financial difficulty.

By-law: revises and develops by-laws as needed.

Capital Projects: plans and undertakes large renovation projects.

Communications: responsible for the websites and distributing information to the membership.

Finance: prepares the annual budget, and monitors spending throughout the year.

Grounds: plans and carries out the upkeep of the grounds and the parking lot.

Maintenance: oversees regular maintenance and implements maintenance policy.

Membership: shows vacant units, interviews applicants and monitors occupancy by-law issues such as the number of people living in each unit.

Member Education: develops and distributes the Member Handbook and ensures that educational opportunities are available to all members.

On-Call: provides emergency maintenance service to members when staff is not on site.

Rent Supplement: assists with the administration of the housing charge subsidy program.