The Don Area Co-op board of directors is made up of ten co-op member volunteers elected at the Annual General Meeting for a term of one year. At a recent AGM there were 36 nominations for the board, of which 33 individuals were willing to run for election. This reflects the healthy diversity and enthusiasm at Don Area.
Service on the board of directors requires not only an interest and willingness to represent co-op members, but also a commitment to do so. Board members have the duty of acting in the best interest of the co-op by ensuring fiscal responsibility, adherence to non-discriminatory practices, knowledge of and compliance with pertinent legislation and by maintaining confidentiality and avoiding conflict of interest.
The board is entrusted with the management of the co-op’s business, which includes ensuring all fiscal and legal obligations are met, co-op property is well maintained and structural organization is efficiently established. The board also sets goals and objectives for the healthy continuity of the co-op.
Ably assisting the work of the board are several committees, made up of many active co-op member volunteers.
The board holds regular meetings where important decisions are made, conflicts are resolved and reports from our various committees are heard. Board meetings are open, thus ensuring transparency and a clear adherence to a democratic process.